RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – Region “O” Council for the Advancement of Minorities in Engineering (ROCAME) has received the 2017 Partnership Award from the N.C. Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education (SMT) Center. ROCAME was recognized on April 29 in Raleigh, N.C. at the annual SMT Celebration.
This award recognizes outstanding North Carolina partners who provide extraordinary support to science, mathematics, and technology education in North Carolina.
“We are pleased to recognize ROCAME for their long-time commitment to diversity in STEM education,” said Dr. Sam Houston, president and CEO of the SMT Center. “
The N.C. Science, Mathematics, and Technology (SMT) Center is focused on improving education as a means of providing all students in North Carolina with the knowledge and skills to have successful careers, be good citizens, and advance the economy of the state. Promoting innovation and change in education, the SMT Center celebrates educational excellence in North Carolina by supporting educators, engaging students, and advancing the growing importance of having a STEM-educated workforce.
Contact: Lisa Rhoades at 919/991-5111 or
ROCAME is always in need of great volunteers. Assisting our efforts with the students is a very important task. It is the perfect way for your organization to help the students of your community and to give back. Enlist employees on your company's behalf or become a vendor.
Whether in high school or college, an educator or knowledgeable in a S.T.E.M field, volunteering with ROCAME is an excellent way to add experience and community service to your resume. Inquire today!
To see how you or your organization can volunteer, email us via the contact page. Restrictions apply.
2024 Scholarship and Student of the Year Awards are CLOSED for applying..
Each year ROCAME awards a college scholarship and a "Student of the Year" (SOTY) award. Based on grant, sponsorship and donation availability, the number of awards varies. For the 2024 year, two scholarships (maximum $1000 ) and one SOTY educational prizes ($100 value) will be awarded!
Each ROCAME student participant is eligible to apply. When obtained, read the application carefully and fully for a complete understanding of the requirements.
We want to encourage all ROCAME students to read the applications to see how they can improve their chances to win a head start with college finances.
Thank you to all that attended the 2024 Jamboree. We hope you enjoyed your time at the event and will compete again next year! If you have any photos you would like posted in our gallery, please email them to us.
Volunteers: We want to thank you for your time and effort. Your experience, encouragement and support is highly appreciated. Please join us again next year!
During the annual Landfall Foundation luncheon on November 03, 2016, ROCAME was presented with a $2000 award! ROCAME will distribute the awards in 2017.
The Landfall Foundation was formed to support greater Wilmington area non-profit organizations. It has allowed the Landfall community an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to our city by distributing grants to smaller organizations that are often under-funded. Although small, these local charities and causes meet broad and vital community needs. Since its inception in September of 1995, the foundation has raised and contributed almost $3,900,000 to Wilmington non-profit organizations. In 2016, the Landfall Foundation presented checks to 88 Wilmington area non-profit organizations totaling $351,500.
Wilmington, N.C. – Duke Energy announced a $8,000 investment in the local ROCAME organization to support S.T.E.M (science, technology, engineering and math) initiative in schools. A check presentation took place at Laney High School during a ROCAME meeting with students whom will benefit from the grant; in addition to other participating ROCAME students.
“This is an investment in our future workforce,” said John Elliot, Duke Energy’s director of local government and community relations. “Students discovering S.T.E.M. today are Duke Energy’s workforce of tomorrow. We’re glad to help foster a life-long passion for S.T.E.M. learning.” The Duke Energy Foundation actively works to improve the quality of life in its communities, lending expertise in the form of leadership and philanthropic support to charitable organizations. Duke Energy has long been committed to building and supporting the communities in which its customers and employees live and work.